We make it a point to have your surroundings feel like home - because it is.
We provide 24-Hour Care and Supervision at a much lower cost to the residents compared to a nursing home.
Quality of our care exceeds most of nursing homes because we provide more detailed personal care to each resident. Our services are distinct for every individual which is personalized for every resident.
We cook Japanese Gohan (rice) and Okazu with MISO SOUP. This is our way of waking your appetite to the tasteful moments of life. We also do picnics in our yard when the weather is right. Here in Sacramento California, the weather is always nice. Our activities keep you happily busy and enjoyably fill your time - you wouldn't notice it slipping away.
Our goal is to provide quality care in the least limiting environment as would be provided in the most confining environment such as hospitals. The delivery of skilled services is aligned with all government standards, rules and regulations. While being cost effective, care must be congruent with the needs of our residents.
The individualized care is charted to ensure that residents have choice, charge and direction of how they are being cared for. We pride ourselves in the independence they enjoy in our home.
At American River Care Home, we take pleasure in our residents' comments and requests about the running of the care home. We treat it with respect as we recognize it is their home, too.

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